
Joint development by ExactFarming and PhosAgro-Region presented at the V Agrarian Forum of Russia

V Agrarian Forum of Russia took place on November 18, 2020 in Moscow – it is the annual project of the business outlet «Vedomosti» uniting the authorities representatives and agribusiness leaders for the discussion of the current situation and future fundamental changes in the agricultural sector

ExactFarming and PhosAgro-Region presented the digital system of mineral fertilisers application effectiveness monitoring
Anna Kudinova, the CEO of ExactFarming

At the forum different questions were raised, such as rural area development, technologies of the future for agriculture, and brands associated with quality and having export potential. The conference was broadcast on its official website where its full recording in Russian is now available.

During the strategic session «Demand for high tech: new digital solutions in the agricultural sector» the CEO of ExactFarming Anna Kudinova and CBDO of PhosAgro-Region Maxim Zatochniy told the audience about a new joint development - the automated monitoring of mineral fertilisers delivery to the field and their application control in relation to fields.

According to Anna Kudinova, in the focus of attention of agricultural producers there is not a technology by itself, but the cost advantage that it is able to generate. Experience shows that the maximum and fastest effect is produced by applying a technology which is, firstly, aimed at particular tasks, secondly, easy to use and, thirdly, put into action together with the industry-specific expertise improving and scaling it.

Today ExactFarming is the gold standard of ease of use and user friendliness, which is recognised by both the clients working with the platform and independent experts. Many industry players use ExactFarming as reference when developing their own solutions.
Joint project of ExactFarming and PhosAgro-Region

This year ExactFarming and PhosAgro-Region conducted a big joint project across Russia. At the confluence of powerful agronomic expertise of the PhosAgro-Region agricultural service and digital solutions for agronomy by ExactFarming the maximum cost advantage was generated for the clients participating in the project. For instance, at one of the fields the effect was estimated to be about RUB 2 million. Besides, the clients managed to create those new digital processes that had not been applied in the farms earlier, integrate them into the production activity and, which is very important, continue to use them on their own extrapolating them to bigger areas of fields with similar characteristics: when scaling up to 100 000 ha of cultivated land the effect can reach RUB 500 million!

First of all, this refers to harmonising the productivity of fields by selecting fertilising systems based on the analysis of Big Data and agronomic expertise of PhosAgro-Region. It is obvious that the cost advantage is in this case long-term because the work with productivity is the work for the future.
Secondly, the best fertilising systems are worth being applied on other fields with similar characteristics, which signifies the scalability of the effect. Here the producer is supported by the technology and the ability to directly jump to the PhosAgro online trading platform to order mineral fertilisers.
Сontrol of the use of mineral fertilizers

The sensitive aspect in this case is the control of fertilisers delivery to the field and their application. It is effective only when being conducted in real-time mode and with the minimal use of manual labour, which otherwise implies time spending and possible mistakes.

Here the joint development of ExactFarming and PhosAgro-Region comes to assistance - the automated monitoring and control with the use of NFC (radio electronic) tags sewed into fertiliser bags.
NFC (radio electronic) tags sewed into fertiliser bags
Maxim Zatochniy explained how it works: a simple touch of a tag with a smartphone with NFC technology is enough, and the fertiliser is displayed as applied in relation to a particular field. The new development allows to reflect the mineral fertilisers application procedure on particular fields and, what's more, obtain data for consequent analysis and selection of the best fertilising systems.

When concluding her speech, Anna Kudinova invited all interested agricultural producers to take part in the pilot project initiated jointly by the two companies for the technology further development and significant increase of production effectiveness on the clients' fields.
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